Friday, April 04, 2008

Crikey - the inflation bogey

The RBA:

Brett Hayton writes: Re. "RBA will wait and see what the Budget holds" (yesterday, item 19). So the RBA forestalled from whacking borrowers with another interest rate rise, ruminating about the inflation bogey, petrol, food and rents this time round being the culprits. This year they can’t blame bananas. Well it’s just a load of doublespeak and hypocrisy. The worst offenders for price rises are government, at every level. Every year without fail, federal, state and local governments raise their own fees and charges by at least CPI, never less. Crikey, we need a government price index to measure government price increases. Also, a call for government price freezes for the term of each government, i.e. three years. It's utter hypocrisy. Governments are just good old fashioned monopolists, employing spin doctors at every turn.

published by Crikey 03 April 2008

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