Friday, June 27, 2008

ECV gets a spray in Parliament

Land Victoria - Electronic conveyancing

Mr D. DAVIS (Southern Metropolitan) — Today I want to draw to the house’s attention the ongoing concern that the opposition and many in the community have about the government’s electronic conveyancing system.

This electronic conveyancing system is a project the government has been attempting to bring into operation since about 2000. Despite having spent $40 million on this white elephant, the government has had only a single transaction put through the conveyancing system.

Some months ago we heard in this chamber from the Minister for Environment and Climate Change that there were to be increased charges for paper transactions — in effect to drive people towards the electronic transactions of the electronic conveyancing system. The only thing is that the government did not get its consultation right; it did not get its details right. This lemon of a system is not wanted around Australia. The banks and lawyers want a national system that will fit in with what the banks do nationally. They do not want six state systems and two territory systems; they want one proper national system. And that system is not the Victorian system — a system that is based on old technology and that has had $40 million pumped into it but has delivered just one single transaction over the last six years.

I have to say, ‘What a lemon’. This minister, Minister Jennings, and his predecessors, former Deputy Premier Mr Thwaites, a former Minister for Environment and Conservation, Ms Garbutt, and others, have not delivered for Victorians. Victorians should be angry about the waste of public money. The money should have been spent on services —

— The PRESIDENT — Order! The member’s time has expired.


Wednesday, 25 June 2008

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