Saturday, February 16, 2008

The Democratic Nomination - EC Vic or NECS?

If the race for the democratic nomination was a choice between EC Vic and NECS, the lobbying for delegates is intense. Victoria has bagged Queensland, Bendigo Bank and MECU as delegates. NECS can count on NSW, the Law Council of Australia and the Australian Bankers Association. On Friday 15 February NECS launched the National Project Team being a body made up of industry representatives from every sector and reps standing in for the jurisdictions. Banks, Non-banks, Lawyers, Conveyancers, Mortgage Processors, Information Brokers, Jurisdictions and others will all have hand picked reps to start the process to define the shape and framework of the National Electronic Conveyancing System. Priorities and time lines will be set by the National Project team to report upline to the National Steering Committee. If there was one message in the background, that message is National, underscored and in bold. The day was chaired by Richard Glenn who is from the Commonwealth Government Attorney-General's Department, assistant secretary. I wouldn't go as far to say the conference was Super Tuesday, but it was close. The banks are the super-delegates for the casting of votes. Yesterday there was unquestionable support for the national process. How long will EC Vic fight the fight, we dont know but their star is waning and I cant see them outgunning NECS, despite all the problems of funding and ownership, and counter arguments. It is anyone's guess when we will see EC rolled into NECS. IP and all. This is not a quote, this is just speculation. If anyone wants to leave comment, please do

I expect NECS will shortly make an announcement on the make up of the National Project Team (NPT) as well as the priorities that will be set by the industry representatives.

There was several calls from the floor of the conference, that the NPT priorities need to give clear attention and address the issues of take up, traction, transition and conversion as well as a rigorous cost / benefit analysis. I agree these are important fundamental issues, which I would believe were not given to the design and implementation of EC Vic.Take up and transition are the core to the design of NECS. Lets not forget the consumer. Giving focus and attention to the client should be a very high and guiding principle within the system. What is to be the starting point? These will be interesting and challenging questions for the NPT.

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