Thursday, March 19, 2009

Caveats Online

Victoria follows Tasmania's lead.

From April 2009, subscribers will be able to lodge caveats in Victoria using the Electronic Conveyancing (EC) system. 

Requirements for client identification and representation agreements have been streamlined for caveat transactions and these are reflected in the updated Registrar’s Requirements. The Registrar has not specified how you should identify your client nor requires a standard representation agreement to be entered into with your client in relation to the caveat transaction. 

What types of caveat can be processed through EC?

Initially, caveats expressing the following grounds of claim can be processed using the EC system:

• contract from the registered proprietor(s)
• mortgage from the registered proprietor(s)
• charge from the registered proprietor(s)
• charge contained in an agreement from the registered proprietor(s)
• charge contained in a mortgage from the registered proprietor(s)
• charge contained in a building agreement from the registered proprietor(s).

It is intended that additional types of caveats will be introduced at a later date.


The identity of the client must be verified but this should be no more onerous than the process for paper caveats.

Source EC Brochure Caveats Online

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