247Legal has always been committed to the concept of digital conveyancing to make conveyancing faster, simpler and greener. An original idea was to make the Vendors Statement available to the public by a simple search at the web site 247legal.com.au Simple. Anyone can search, view or download the Section 32, copy of the title, the plan of subdivision etc. But you can't print it. The ability to print the PDF had been disabled. No printing allowed. If someone wants a print version they need to contact the estate agent to obtain a print copy. The result - less paper being consumed. And in many cases such as apartments, there can be vendor statements that are 100+ pages in length. Yet the buyer may only be interested in one or two specific pages in the Plan Subdivision. It makes complete sense to deliver the information digitally rather than printing and distributing multiple copies of the paper document.
Remember Print Less.

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